Is Retro all it's cracked up to be?

oddly and no matter on the survey 'rules' it followed.

If the question was

has the quality and efficiency of bikes increased between 1990 and 2008

I think we would get different results, not least as people don't like to disagree ;)
The problem with the question is you are already implying what you think the answer should be.
^^I forget who, but someone in my past called such things a "quest-ment" which is really a statement that is formed as a question. They often sound like "Don't you think that....?" which as you can see is assuming the listener already agrees with the person asking the question.
SF Klein":qs9qi7k6 said:
^^I forget who, but someone in my past called such things a "quest-ment" which is really a statement that is formed as a question. They often sound like "Don't you think that....?" which as you can see is assuming the listener already agrees with the person asking the question.

seems like this survey is seen as biaised. I don't understand ! :LOL:

very serious publication and survey methodology

can provide with the link to subscribe to the "bicycle journal"

really a nice publication. A bit intellectual as there are no pictures but who cares about that when it comes to bikes ;)
i must say that i think that old bikes are fun, because half of the stuff never worked in the first place, so getting it to work brings me happiness!
edstart":5dxcqm22 said:
Is Retro all it's cracked up to be?

Yes, it's just as crap as it used to be. I went for a ride today and in no time what so ever my cantis were clagged up with mud...

To be honest, I don't care, it was as much fun as it used to be too.