Is my USE seatpost going to kill me?

A friend had the shaft from a USE Ti post fail in a bad way way back in the day, he was lucky to get away with a cut and ripped pair of shorts. It could have been much much worse.
I had a use Ti seat post in my hei hei, it snapped at the rod that you tighten the bolts to the under saddle rails after creaking for a few months.

It could have been really nasty - when it broke it was like a jagged razor fortunately the saddle went backwards and pushed my bot and undercarriage towards the back wheel away from the post. Looking at it afterwards I couldn’t believe how thin the metal was.
It does look like a deathtrap doesn't it? Probably because it is. Yes, the bottom plate (the semi-cylindrical cradle the rails sit on) just sits there, it's not fixed to anything. So if (when) one of those bolts gives the whole thing grenades and the rider dies. I'm starting to like the suggestions of retiring the thing and using it as an ornament. An excuse to go shopping for syncros, XT or equivalent I think.

Thanks for your kind words on my channel. There is a pile of parts on my workshop floor ready for the next film, plus at some point that Pace fork is getting restored as of course all the pink paint is peeling off in chunks. Whoever would have expected that to happen?

I will take it if you want to get rid.

Have been using them on most of my bikes since they came out and never had any problems, or hints of any, the design works fine. Obviously you have never used one before, quite a few posts have the same floating bottom rails for adjustment, Syncros for one ;) :rolleyes:
I will take it if you want to get rid.

Have been using them on most of my bikes since they came out and never had any problems, or hints of any, the design works fine. Obviously you have never used one before, quite a few posts have the same floating bottom rails for adjustment, Syncros for one ;) :rolleyes:

Lots of stories of USE posts failing on this thread.

Be interested to know how many people have had a Syncros post fail 😉🙄
Lots of stories of USE posts failing on this thread.

Be interested to know how many people have had a Syncros post fail 😉🙄

I'm sure there are stories of most parts failing at one time or another. My reply, as your snide reply seemed to refer to, was aimed at the comment that due to the design of the post a bolt failure would cause it to explode and kill the rider, and that the design of a Syncros post was a better choice, when it is a similar design.

And apart from your alleged post failure there are only two stories of USE posts failing on here, both of those are Ti posts, but not to worry.

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