Is it a bit mental to talk to strangers about retro bikes?

The odd time I'll see someone unlocking a pretty cool old rig, so I'll stop and chat them up. Most times, they're just kind of 'meh''s just transport to them. They don't know that they are riding something that some of us covet badly. The one that sticks out in my mind is the minty 1986ish Ritchey that a young buck of about 17 was riding, hand-me-down from his dad (aieee! don't lean it against that signpost, you'll scratch the paint!)
I also used to think that people who smoked were cooler than those who didn't... but since i gave up I've reversed that opinion.

Same here.
I stopped 4 months ago. I now think people who smoked for a while and stopped are cooler than smokers and non-smokers.
In short, retro bikes are a perfect talking point. Mind though that the person to which you are speaking actually sees their bike as retro... It's a bit thorny if they think you are insulting them! :LOL:
Re: Is it a bit mental to talk to strangers about retro bike

Wu-Tangled":1hzly2zp said:
Occasionally see this girl on an old Quantum in a lovely neon green paint when we stop together at the crossing of Tower Bridge (her on bike - me on foot - prob doesn't help) and always want to compliment her on it and ask about it a bit...

...but you know how Londoners are and city dwellers in general not talking to each other etc...

so does it look a bit mental to do so?

Or is that what places like this are for? To keep us all in one safe place where we can all 'jibba jabba' to each other all day and not look (that) mental.

One technique I often use is the 'cut two eye holes out of a newspaper' technique (it helps if there is a large photograph of a face on the cover) - using this method you can stalk someone on a bike for miles if you run, all the time hidden behind the newspaper.

My trial comes up in July.
leeww, when sat in the dockl make sure you rock back and forth murmuring 'mummy, make the bad men go away' to yourself and make sure there is constant drool from the left side of your mouth, left side mind or they'll know you're putting it on... that's how I managed to get my restraining order lifted ..
One technique I often use is the 'cut two eye holes out of a newspaper' technique (it helps if there is a large photograph of a face on the cover) - using this method you can stalk someone on a bike for miles if you run, all the time hidden behind the newspaper.

That's about as weird as some of my can get tablets these days, y'know!!

I never have a problem talking to strangers.........I'm one of those Scotsmen who always sounds like an agressive drunkard............they all pretty much nod, smile nervously, and slowly back away!!

I find London bikers easy to talk to. But it helps if you give the impression that you can work on bikes. The ladies are very friendly then. So thanks London bike shops for your 'rip off' prices. :D
Also helps if you look the part eg cycling shorts (full pack lunch at the front :LOL: )
Alot of times when people bring some kind of note-worthy retro bike into the shop for service, I talk to them about it being a classic, etc... it goes one of two ways...

Either they say "Oh...I just like riding it. It used to be my dad's and I need to get around campus." on a Ritchey or classic Klein, or whatever that is way past its prime visually and mechanically


They say "Oh, really? what do you think it's worth?" and their Ebay antennae are immediately dispatched...

So now, if it's something I'm interested in, I subtly tell them that the newer bikes have come a LONG way in terms of comfort and light weigh and would really be worth a look. "Oh, and we could offer you a wee bit of a trade-in for that old steel thing you have back there. Salsa was sold a few years ago, and the new owners won't honour your warranty if anything ever happen to that bike...and parts for the fork aren't available anymore"

I don't do it often, but it's worked for a coule bikes. We sell a new one, they get a "fair" trade-in value for their "old clunker" and I get a new project...much to my wife's chagrin...


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