Is ‘Rory Hitchens’ A RetroBike User ?

WD Pro

Gold Trader

I keep getting email invites to join Rory Hitchens from Upgrade Bikes Ltd on LinkedIn, I am probably on my third or fourth request now.

The only problems are :

A) I don’t have a linked in account (to much like Facebook for suites :LOL:)
B) I don’t know who Rory is :LOL:

Is Rory a user on here ? I can’t think of any other way our paths would have crossed and it just seems strange with the bike relationship ?



Google pointed to a twatter acount labelled RetroRoy... so he has at least a passing interest at least... Also....

a thread on STW that suggests he used to work for USE, and we all know your particular fetish where USE is concerned ;)

RetroRoy is an active member (and Brodie fetishist) on here, hailing from the good ole US of Canada.

I'm not sure whether or not Rory is a member on here but I do know who he is.
In fact I was chatting to him at Mountain Mayhem this weekend. He has been mountain biking since way back and is still very much interested in old bikes. I first met him part way around a lap at Mayhem in 2012 where we had a bit of a chat about mud, bikes and Retrobike.
He's currently the senior brand manager at Upgrade bikes which handles brands such as Lezyne and several others.

He's a nice guy so there will be nothing sinister in the LinkedIn request.

I'm not sure how LinkedIn works but I suspect it'll be because you know someone that he does and the request will be derived from that person's email contacts...
Yup, Rory is proper old-school, was around back in the late 80's racing scene where he made a name for himself. He's sound.
From what I know, he's based in Sussex, and currently works for Pivot bikes, kinda runs it and the race team from what I understand. Previously, he was one of the top promo type men at USE, and is actively involved (taken over) Brighton Big Dog links with Morvello/Lezyne (importer). Oh, and he did race back in the day!

Not sure if he's into retro bikes, or just networking. I don't know him personally, but he always seems to be at local events promoting something bike related he's moved into, a bit in your face perhaps….
Rory Hitchen,s is a top bloke but keep well clear of Linkedin...........

I firts met Rory in 87 racing the then national Shimano series.

I then worked with him for quite a few years before he went to work for U.S.E.

I used to tease him that he wanted to be an American because he had / has that most un English quality of boundless
enthusiasm and I expect if you have raced in the last few years you will have heard his voice as he does a lot of commentary at the biggest events. As is pointed out above he now works for Upgrade.

There is not a bad bone in Rory,s body so I would not worry on that score.

Linkedin though is a pain (though I dont think sinister). I still work in the cycle trade and a bright spark thought we should all join Linkedin as we could network with others in the trade. Good idea in theory but I now get a huge number
of requests to communicate with endless people who have at best tenuous links to the trade. It is also impossible to leave (Mock The Week even had a joke about how you can not leave!)

Any way I think I should go for a ride...............