Internal rust has claimed another victim today


Sorry to hear about the fork failure, but lucky that you were not badly hurt.
I have a Falcon which which is about the same age as yours, but my bike has chrome forks with a sloping crown and a brace of tang under under the crown. The chrome on my forks is a bit pitted and I was thinking about getting them rechromed. Your fork failure makes me wonder if is worth rechroming them.
It does make you wonder about some of the equiptment we use on a regular basis. I think we should all go out and waxoil or framesave every frame and fork we can :)
I had a Colnago straight blade Prescia fork back home that was perfect externally but it did have some evidence of rust at the small lower breather holes and there was some tiny peice you could hear rattling inside when they were off the bike. I gave them to a freind for a build but neither of us ever really gave it any thought they could fail. As far as I know they were still going strong a few years back, but it makes you wonder.
