

Dirt Disciple
Found the site after wanting to look at using a MTB for touring.
I've been a member a couple of days and I would like to thank everyone who has helped me already.
It's a friendly place for a newbie, so much knowledge and the way people share it is a great thing.
Learning as I go & loving it .
Great site, Thanks

Welcome aboard!
Im pleased your enjoying the site.

Be warned though old bikes become very addictive :)

Welcome to the forum

It's a refreshing change to hear about a new member that HASN'T joined in order to flog something!

Thanks all.
Been looking at some great builds from everyone.

So it's very much buyer beware ?
Subaloo":lxxmy717 said:
So it's very much buyer beware ?

No - not that at all ... what is meant is that the retro-bike bits and parts and builds are, by their very nature, quite addictive ... and it's so easy to see some new shiny bits come up and think "Oh - I need/want that thing" ...

So, if you're not careful, you too shall soon become a hoarder and/or multiple bike builder/owner.

As far as dealing with the retrobike forum marketplace, I'd say most everyone on here is fairly fair, honest, and up-standing ... and any 'bad apple' will get outed quite quickly. You can generally count on the parts and pieces being offered for sale, being that what they are described to be.

welcome to the forum! :cool:

Welcome Subaloo! It's a great place for inspiration and advice. When I was out of action after an injury a few years back, finding Retrobike helped get my mojo back and the idea of refurbing my old bike was something to aim for. Just don't get sucked into the crazy world of bike bits and amassing collections...
Thanks k-rod, and to the two Mikes ?

I was reading one of Mike Muz 67's builds yesterday.

Not only a talented bike builder but also in my opinion a great story teller with the occasional ribbing from other members just to help him out.
It was quite dramatic at times.

Thanks for the welcome.

And groovyblueshed for the good advise.

It's come at the right time for me as far as Mojo, my get up & go, had got up & gone, now I'm looking at everything on two wheels , chained up or moving. :D