Ink Blue Diacompe brakeset

hi jez,

is there a photo of the cooks anywhere ? are you open to ofers ? do you know what width spindle on a rascal i need to fit them ?
cheers andy
Not open to offers as they have a matching set of seat and wheel skewers by Cooks Bros too.

Ideally they should all be sold off as a set.

Pic of chainset below:


  • blue.webp
    59 KB · Views: 879
are those gold cooks in the background ? are those for sale ? just to clarify its £165 for the cranks, 3 rings and the full set of QRs ?
im thinking about it, its not a bad price im just not sure if they are the right blue for me ! i was just enquiring really, having said that if they are still there on the weekend and i come home from the pub a bit merry, i might just be tempted.
cheers andy
No, before you get all excited its just £165 for the chainset (inc rings)

The other gold cranks are the Raceface which have been sold and the other set of cooks is a pair of dull purple grey and gold cooks.