Indy Fab Ti Deluxe (cracked) SOLD


I also have a similar experience with them... I bought a 2nd hand IF Crown Jewel ti frame, and cracked in the same place as yours after 2 months of use. I mailed IF and previous owner, a very nice guy. After all IF made for me a brand new custom Crown Jewell ti frame for free, not even charged for shipping :shock:
And in my case they didn´t want the old frame back either.
It´s the 3rd IF I see cracked in that place...
Obviously too much :LOL: :LOL:

Am I the only one to think that it is a bit irresponsible for a company to leave broken and cracked frames circulating....
Considering that the frame had less than 30 hours use before I bought it I don't think it's a very good advert for IF. Especially as they have been seen to crack there before. This was a £2,700 frame not so long back; for that money and the amount of riding time it has had I think IF (as nice as they are on the phone) should be busting a gut to replace like for like.
A while back, I found an old thread on mtbr with similar cracks in similar places on similar frames. IF didn't appear to be to be playing the game then, to say the least.
Who makes them for IF or are they made in house? Sycip?
Certainly they should be removing them from circulation.
Syntace, makers of stems , posts and bars etc, had a problem with their 99gm stem. They did a recall, with free replacement. Rather than requiring the stem to be posted back to Germany, a photo of the stem sawn in half with the serial no showing could be sent to them, to get a new one.
Maybe IF should insist on a photo of the BB housing, sawn off, being sent? It can't be doing them any good with all these cracked frames still in circulation. After all , they're still responsible for making shonky frames.