Imlach's Sweaty Hippie Funk Collection, adventure bikes, rusty rats, cruisers and other alt bastardisations of bicyclery

I was also rather impressed with going even smaller, I never thought much about how much better they cut through snow and mud. I never had a dedicated mud tyre either so I wasn't aware that bigger isn't necessarily better. An investment I'll be making for spring is a set of mud tyres for the cross check
I was also rather impressed with going even smaller, I never thought much about how much better they cut through snow and mud. I never had a dedicated mud tyre either so I wasn't aware that bigger isn't necessarily better. An investment I'll be making for spring is a set of mud tyres for the cross check
I'm investing in 0.3 more. 😉
I was also rather impressed with going even smaller, I never thought much about how much better they cut through snow and mud. I never had a dedicated mud tyre either so I wasn't aware that bigger isn't necessarily better. An investment I'll be making for spring is a set of mud tyres for the cross check

Don't think it's even possible to buy new skinny 26" mud tyres today - dunno for sure. There was this for a while, but looks discontinued now: ...... perhaps Maxxis or Geax still do something. If you are struggling, let me know, I've still got a fair few of these in the attic doing nothing:


From memory Keith Bontrager had something to do with the design for UK winter muddy gloop.