I'm a dad........and very happy PIC ADDED

Many thanks for the very very sound advice, yup jumped straight in, cut the cord, mopped up under my wife to help the midwife's if you get what i mean :?

Shared changing first black tar nappies :shock:

We were getting a lot of texts while my wife wasin labour, the best one was from my wife's grandmother which simply read '' rock on'' !
On top of the brilliant advices from above I give you another one:

Breathe through your mouth when changing the nappies.
You'll avoid all the bad sensations, keeping just the good ones - contact of you and your little one..

I have read many books when my first one was born. How to change this and how to change that. But then I got in touch with the UFA (Undergound Father Association)...

They handed me over this ancient book full of advice and tips that really work and not the political correct tips you normally find in the books.

In this ancient book there was one page which you could clearly see has been read a lot. On this page was the following tip....

You smell nothing and you hear nothing... You smell nothing and you hear nothing... You smell nothing and you hear nothing... You smell nothing and you hear nothing...

No matter how terrible the house stinks, you smell nothing. No matter how long the baby is crying at night, you hear nothing. Once you give in, you have to get out at night and once you smell something you have to change the diapers :D :D

The UFA has a lot more usefull tips. If you like, I can get you in...
..Or carry a small tub of vicks as breathing through your mouth you can taste the smell.


Great stuff!

Congratulations to you both.

al. :D
someone mentioned earplugs if you are a light sleeper - that's one thing that has dramatically changed in me.
i used to sleep heavily.
now, i'm up and alert if i even hear a gnat scratching its nads....
greenstiles":2imxkojt said:
Shared changing first black tar nappies :shock:

After the black tar comes the cream cheese :oops: And after that it all gets very 'real' :shock:

Best thing I ever did was to become a dad (twice), you'll love it, it's great.

I taught my kids to ride bikes when they were around four or five, and they've been doing it ever since (now 28 and 24!).
Nappies are not that bad, just get loads of wipes ready, a go at it with gusto :D

Oh and watch out, just when you are cleaned up and about to seal the fresh nappy the 'willy hose pipe impression hits' :p

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