If you REALLY want a classic Raleigh frameset here it is, and a bargain too.

It's a beaut! It's a bargain! Go on - you know you want to.
I'll pass your sentiments on to Jo :p Of course I do...but the amount of crap I've collected means I have to do something. It's making my head hurt. So I've been selling, Jo never hassles me about bikes but there comes a point when theres 15 frames in the loft and an unspecified wheel/rim count. Are you after anything?
No, not really thanks. I've got stalled projects, like you I guess, but only two!
I'd have thought there'd be a rush for this lovely old frame - look at the box lining! - but of course someone might be talking to the seller as we speak.
No, not really thanks. I've got stalled projects, like you I guess, but only two!
I'd have thought there'd be a rush for this lovely old frame - look at the box lining! - but of course someone might be talking to the seller as we speak.
It will ride really well, a few months ago I would have taken you up on your very kind offer.