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Quite a few local independent micro breweries looking to join us for the day to tempt us with their finest...

And, an impressive line up of street food stalls coming together - stone-baked wood-fired pizzas, waffles, pies, burgers, pancakes - you get the idea!

Remember this is a free event, and it's free to register - bring your bike, have a beer, enjoy the atmosphere and meet loads of bike-minded people!

Touching wood, I'll be there with the 6th sister:


Re: Iconoclassic - Stands and security

Hi, really looking forward to the event, the microbrewery stuff sounds great!

I looked around for a portable display stand and ended up buying one of these:-
http://www.halfords.com/cycling/tools-m ... ding-stand (other vendors are available if you look online)

It does the job well, doesn't damage your shiny skewers and weighs virtually nothing. It fits into a 30 litre daysack too.

Does anyone who went last year know if there were any issues with security/thieving gits last year? I'm obviously going to lock my bike up to stop someone riding off on it but with quick releases for the seatpost and front wheel it's going to be hard to prevent someone from helping themselves if I'm not in the vicinity all day...I don't really want to resort to cable locking everything to the frame, it's supposed to be a bike show, not a bike security show :facepalm:
Cheers all :)

I don't think there were any problems.

Tom, is there going to be the railing fence again, same as last year?
With so many people about, i wasn't worried for one second about my bikes. I locked them to the railings, but I reckon anyone taking anything would have been lynched.
Look forward to going to this, a good list of bikes, I have decided to tip my toe into the pond, and enter my humble offerings, of an Orange clockwork 92 and Kona Kilauea 93, so maybe a little out of place, amongst the big guns (stunning bikes). But they both are orginal, the kona has all original spec barring saddle and the Orange minus the tyres. Anyway am going to enjoy/drool at all the other retro bikes!! :)
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