Ibis Ti Stem


Senior Retro Guru
Had this for a few years.. Anybody who knows me knows I have a love of titanium ibis's and this is a stem I don't need any more.

It's about a ten degree rise and 120mm long. It's inch and eighth. Welds as gorgeous as you'd expect. One sticker is still more or less in tact but the other has vanished, think ibis probably do replacements these days. It's old school stem so only has a single bolt clamp... I.e. Don't expect hi risers to slide in! Although I usually ride with low riser carbons which can just about be squeezed in! One bolt is missing.. Think I can find it before I post it, but easy enough to replace.

Posted insured to UK for 150 quid. Happy to send elsewhere, postage at cost!! Save me eBaying it!! Pics available ... Would have posted one but never gotten around to learning how to do it.

I have the flat matching ti handlebar if anybody wants a set. Price to be negotiated.

Paypal. Can be collected from London village.