''Ian's Raleigh Road Ace 12''

Re: ''Ian's Raleigh Road Ace 12'' finished! Pic's on page 4.



A very deserved win.

Re: ''Ian's Raleigh Road Ace 12'' finished! Pic's on page 4.

Blimey I go away for a while and this shows up! Just a had a good read of all the pages. Absolutely amazing job, it can be harder when the expectation is high and a perfect finish is required, well done on getting all the details spot on! these bikes used to feature on the back of cycling weekly for ages never could afford one at the time. On the tub front, I use the Vittoria Rallye's they are the best compromise without spending big on CX/CG's etc but I'd love some Clement Crits!, they roll really well and dont puncture easily, I've used the pen techniques for years but also if you find the base tape breaks easily just seat the tub with tape on and roll side ways and peel back, you can still lift the tub and centre if you only put enough air in to shape them. Enjoy your ride. Reminds me to photograph and post my Vitus KAS Kelly replica Carbon 9 that ive just finished with a turned down micro adjust seatpost...tis the season to ride these bikes
Darren :)

Get the tub's inflated a bit to get them back to shape.

Jantex tub' tape is used, strangely the tape is much wider than the GP4 rim and the tape over hanged
so it was nearly on the braking surface, so cut off 2mm and fits on the rim neatly.

Heard so much moaning about removing glue/tub tape using many toxic liquids like petrol
which I did use years ago, then an old bloke told me to use carb' cleaner to remove the
glue residue! Spraying the stuff on to a cloth and rubbing on the glue soon loosened it
up and the glue started to dissolve and within ten minutes both rims were spotless.


Fitted the tub's but not glued and left to settle & stretch a bit, note that there is no bulge around the valve area!

Years ago I used to struggle getting the backing tape from between the tub' & rim,
then spotted were TGR was with Will and how Will used a pen under the tub' to lift
the tub' away from the rim and working around the rim, pulling the backing tape off
at the same time! Why hadn't I have thought of that before!!

New photo of my Raleigh will be up later showing her off her new rubber.

Thanks for looking guys ;)[/quote]
Re: ''Ian's Raleigh Road Ace 12'' finished! Pic's on page 4.

Brilliant! He didnt have any stored artwork from WW2 as well did he :), trust our German friends to store that stuff, you haven't stripped anything till you've had a go at 1930's chater lea pedals I know what you mean about the grease!
Re: ''Ian's Raleigh Road Ace 12'' finished! Pic's on page 4.

Doubledee":3qc6dg2k said:
you haven't stripped anything till you've had a go at 1930's chater lea pedals
Old bikes eh! You want to hear of a true story that made my mate pretty rich ?? I'll tell you then :LOL:

Back in the very early 80's, maybe 1981ish! There was an old chap who collected pretty decent
bikes but one bike always pee'd him off as he rode it, you see every bump in the road he hit the
bike made a noise inside the frame and could never really pin point this noise, Well we both decided
to attack the bike and get it cleaned up and the first problem he hit was the seized in seat post
and couldn't budge it, so he cut a slot in the steel post and welded a bar on to it, this gave enough
leverage for it to break free, Well he turned the bike upside down and this long tube fell out on to the
floor!! We looked at each other and said 'what the hell' the bottom of the tube had a screw cap and
the top had a screw cap! So we fumbled about unscrewing these caps, when we got the caps off
we looked inside the tube and saw 'something' rolled up, so the excitement rises within us both.

You can just imagine what happened next or can you ??

The long tube was full of paper money and rolls of it, not just a bit but loads but it was all in the old currency
from the 1930's to 1960's, thought bollocks this is no good but decided to phone the bank and enquire
if there was any value to this money and to our surprise at that time you could still cash in the old
currency for the new currency so the old chap nipped to the bank and came back with near on
£2,000, we split it 50/50 and I never told my mam as she would have took it off me.

Hard to believe but its true.