I need some advice... Crank pullers.

I've got a Park Tools and another much older no-name one.

Fairly sure I didn't pay anywhere near £18.95. Have Park put their prices up a lot?
You have lifu too! Then you too have the magic...
If there was ever an eternal fountain of youth mines soaked it right up....bugger won't die.

Steady on - technically only half of the Lifu is left - the 14mm / 15mm socket combo is gold dust.

The Cyclus is starting to look a bit tired now, but it's functionally built to last.

The one on the right is a BBB jobby which can do Octalink too when you put the little plug in the end. The thread part into the crank always feels gritty for some reason but it works. Just don't understand why you need the knurled part and a smaller spanner to operate it :confused:

Ahhh zee knurling.....that is for twiddling zee thread in with fingers....if you can't do that it means you must clean your threads!
I think the reason my lifu poopoo has lasted so long is I've always kept the main thread royally clean. Kept clean but treated mean 😁
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I've got about 3 or 4 I reckon, none of them branded, one of them rather old, probably bought from a lbs by my dad and a couple of newer ones... all work.. it's a really, really basic design and provided the threading is okayish, it should be fine. I like park tools stuff but it's overpriced in Europe, way overpriced. Even in America its getting dearer.