I love Retrobike but.....

It's a known affliction that's next to impossible to cure. Having promised myself that this year I'd thin the herd, stop buying parts and maybe even start clearing out the stuff at the back of the garage that hasn't seen the light of day since God knows when. Instead 3 weeks in I find myself putting the finishing touches to another build. I've decided not to fight it. As 'they' say, you only live once and at the moment it brings me joy so I'll continue till it doesn't!
My New Year’s resolution was to spend more time on two wheels, be they man or motor powered. But whilst it’s -4 outside, my preferred place is cleaning bike parts ready for use or sale.
Problem is that yesterday I finished cleaning the latest stack of parts…
Its easy....just be realistic with yourself. Stop dreaming of projects that will never happen and start enjoying the stuff you actually ride. Or, build the bike you want, not the 30 that are just ok and cluttering the shed!

"Stuff" is appalling for your mental health, it bogs you down, makes you feel guilty and pretty quickly when it reaches a critical mass, stops you enjoying your hobby.

Having shed 30 years + of "stuff" over the last 4 years...600 items and counting, I now feel so much more engaged. I'm riding more ( rather than standing looking in a stunned trance) and have enjoyed the projects im working on far far more. Clarity of thought...

Yes, ive got spares....yes ive got parts for some future builds, but that totals 40 items.

Plus, I've been able to use the cash to upgrade my bikes to the degree i want, pay the restoration costs on another and buy a few really nice bits of kit I've always wanted....nos mavic rims for example, without guilt, without worry and knowing they have a use, rather than being more " cupboard filler".

Just start....that's all you need to do.....the rest will follow.
Clear out complete, all that remains is just one crate all bubble wrapped until needed and one frame and forks. I can see the summerhouse floor now.

I've even set up a spreadsheet listing it all so I don't buy another of the same.

That feels better, now to compile a Karma advert. Just need a cuppa first and maybe a square of White Chocolate.

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Clear out complete, one crate all bubble wrapped until needed and one frame and forks. I can see the summerhouse floor now.

I've even set up a spreadsheet listing it all so I don't buy another of the same.

That feels better, now to compile a Karma advert. Just need a cuppa first and maybe a square of White Chocolate.

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I swear I read that as 'Charlie Brown'... D'oh