I love Retrobike but.....

I’m not looking at the pics!🫣 I’m in much the same boat as you. Several boxes in the loft/shed, no idea what they contain??? Must sort them out, keep a few choice parts just in case a unicorn turns up. The rest needs to go, this is the year 😂.
This year I’m selling and riding only. Aiming not to buy anything! The stable is full….. +2. Sold one bike this year so far, two still to sell then it’s the boxes of stuff.
Everyone is selling stuff, so no one will buy!

Dunno - bought most of a bike & the rest of the bits to finish it off in last few weeks. I've actually abandoned my plan to thin my bike's out. I plan to finish outstanding builds & then clean & bag the bits I don't need. Some will be karma'd, the rest will be sold. Not a huge amount. If they don't sell they will be held along with some bikes (full or split out) until there's an upswing in demand. I'll enjoy the bikes in the meantime!