I don't get why some people don't get ebikes.

I can understand if it's genuinely just a commuting mode of transport. I can understand if you enjoy DH or MTB and don't have much fitness. Again if you're old or have injuries. (I guess I do understand why people get them).

One thing that HUGELY annoyed me. I was battering the red route at Sherwood pines and I hear a voice behind me saying "wow you're flying". I look back and there's an old guy on an ebike. I waited at the end of the segment for him to pass by, he then waited for me and tailed me again saying how fast I was.
I got the impression the guy thought he was "in the gang". I'm thinking, "I don't know you, we have nothing in common, the only reason you're staying with me is because you have an engine". If a guy was riding normal bike and staying with me id be inclined to chat.
In the end I was so frustrated I turned off the trail and used some quieter bits.
I cant imagine somebody running a pb on a 10K and a guy on an electric scooter rolling up and trying to chat.
The guy was trying to talk to me when I was on the limit as well.

I also did a gravel sportive and my friend and I had a guy on an ebike tag on, it was fast and flat 50. He refused to come to the front. Thankfully his battery ran out at 40 miles and we left him. I couldn't believe I had a guy on an ebike drafting me.

That's what annoys me about ebikes.

Think I've listed the good and bad and there.
That’s not the E Bike’s fault, that’s the douchebag aboard it being a dick. I bet they are the same type of people who drive and use their phones or take 11 items to the 10 items or less till at the supermarket!

In all seriousness, if I had been in your situation, I’d have been pissed off too!

My father in law has an Ebike, and while it’s great that it keeps him riding, it does frustrate me when he regales me with his tales of overtaking and dropping people on hills.
Yep, that’s definitely why a lot of people don’t get them
- And it’s about as rational as hating immigrants/trans-people/breeds of dogs etc because of the behaviour of a tiny minority (whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that there are idiots in all realms of life (*ie cyclists*)
It's not that much of a minority though, walking you see them, in towns and cities you see many of them compared to legal ones.
I don't hate legal ebikes, never said I did. But if you're going to derestrict the the damn things and cause legal ebikes users all hell of a lot of problems with people, then just get a bloody MX bike (moto or e, up to you) and rip the trails up properly for that speed and thrill, just as illegal to use out on the trails. And pay your way with a moped and some L plates on the road.

and all dogs should be shot because there are too many buggers irresponsible with their dogs causing others missery.