Humanity's 10 greatest inventions: the other 9?

Nah, its much better to have a reference turntable and £30k of cables, amplification and speakers. Because then you can really hear the stylus wear and record surface noise after 25 plays :rolleyes: :):p
An irony is, the better turntable systems get the more they loose that warm euphonic sound and the more they sound like CD
Vice versa too - top quality CD players become more fluid, solid, dynamic and 3 dimensional..
I've avoided saying cheese everytime I've posted, but it's always been the first thing I can think of. :)

To be clear, I listed Cheese Moments. The greatest snack of all time.

I can get on board with Cheese being top ten, so long as we exclude French cheeses... and American...

ah come on, the french have over 1000 different types of cheese, give em enough time and they might get to Wensleydale. (also, port salut is yummy).

american cheese isn't cheese, it's closer to plastic than cheese so that can't be included.

Norwegian brown cheese is a type of fudge.
We mentioned script, written word, the printing press. Now for the reason all those were needed. Mad Magazine, specifically Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions. s-l1200 (1).webp
I certainly wouldn't be the twisted deranged freak I am today without it