How much longer can I go without a mobile phone?

My wife used to say when I went for a ride "Would you like to take my phone?" I would usually answer "F**k no". Then I was told I was having one by my wife. Had one for two years, they are a boil on humanity's a**ehole, I literally hate them. I begrudgingly accept it has it's uses. My wife and son say banking on a phone/online is easy. No. Pay with a phone. No. Everyone in a pub or restaurant LOOK UP ffs life is occuring and you are missing it.
I can understand your wife's concern to a degree, if you are travelling the road less travelled and something happens to you... However I agree they are becoming more insidious in society having 'people' nearly walking into you because they are heads down on their phones is maddening.

Flipside, yesterday I was fishing with friends, there was a lovely happy little bird singing away, I downloaded an app (wanted me to sign up, so binned that.). Downloaded a second app, recorded bird singing, I now know it was a Sedge warbler, happy days.
I can understand your wife's concern to a degree, if you are travelling the road less travelled and something happens to you... However I agree they are becoming more insidious in society having 'people' nearly walking into you because they are heads down on their phones is maddening.

Flipside, yesterday I was fishing with friends, there was a lovely happy little bird singing away, I downloaded an app (wanted me to sign up, so binned that.). Downloaded a second app, recorded bird singing, I now know it was a Sedge warbler, happy days.
Yes I get her concern, I may have been known to get into the middle of nowhere :) Flipside is one of the useful (begrudging old man) points
Agree about the human operator comments.

I’m a happy phone user and see loads of the benefits but I don’t do any social media other than on here if that counts.

It staggers me the number of people at music concerts who having paid what must be a considerable amount of money and effort to get there then spend most of it looking at it through their phone. What do these people do with the footage? Do they really sit at home and watch what must end up being a really crappy version of the event through said phone?

Same when visiting gardens/homes/parks/restaurants etc so many have their heads down or spend their time trying to get “the shot”.

My best days are those when I’ve spent most of it away from my phone enjoying the company of those with me and the surroundings.
Same when visiting gardens/homes/parks/restaurants etc so many have their heads down or spend their time trying to get “the shot”.
I do this with an SLR though, it's often the reason I'm visiting the gardens/homes/parks in the first place.

not restaurant though, that's to eat, mmmmmm, food.
I must admit the part about the restaurant only having a menu in the app is a bit extreme not to mention rude and stupid, turning trade away in this day and age is just daft because someone can't be bothered to hit print on a computer to get a hard copy.