How much is my BMX worth thread?

Just found a box full of old school BMX bits in the garage that I didn't know I had. Curious about the value of a couple of bits:

First is a yellow, Diamond Back branded Kashimax (same as the one on this bike) in decent used condition. These seem to cost silly money on eBay or is that just the NOS stuff?

Second, a Diamond Back branded Sugino 3 piece crankset. These are quite nice, the DB logo is cast on to them like on a Super Maxi crankset. These must be worthing something?
can you send me some pic's please - I'm after a yellow kashi for my next build (nos kashimax seats go for good money as there put on carpet queens - used one's don't so) what lengh are the cranks 175 0r 180 ?

lmk cheers B :wink:
I'll get some pics sorted soon mate. Pretty sure the cranks are 170, will check though. Were a lot of the old 3 piece BMX cranks based on track/pista jobs (thinking Campagnolo and Sugino Mighty)?
cheers :wink: early cranks were made the same as road bikes as they knew how to make them and just transferred over to bmx - with the spider combined with the crank - over a bit of time new designs came out to meet the markets needs and also to make money on the next generation - then they came up with the single piece crank and also the three piece cranks as we know them now - size wise 180's are better for the bigger kids of us, as now we have longer legs and this means a longer rotation - shorter crank and the diameter of the rotation makes for harder work :lol:

cheers B :wink:
Mk1 Raleigh Mini Burner

Mk1 Raleigh Mini Burner...

Ok this is sort of an emergency request for a value - this bike was donated to a charity that is leaving for belarus on tuesday, but I think it has enough value to sell and give the money to the charity instead, they would be happy if this is the case.

My son has a less original blue version of this bike, which he paid 40 + post for from ebay. I reckon because this seems completely original and rust free that it would be worth around double that but correct me if i am wrong as I would like the charity to get as much as possible for it.

Do you think, is it as original as I do? where would the best place be to sell this?

Viscount Grips
Cheng Shin tyres
SR Stem
Full set Raleigh pads





Hi there mate - looking at it - it is all original - viscount foam grips and snake belly tires make it an early 82'

it is as you say clean and all there - in great shape

would say that a mini in that condition is worth around £75-£85 for a collector - especially if you have the early 20" red burner

(that's not to say on ebay with two bidders that it might not go higher)

just needs to be cleaned right and it will be lush :wink:

hope this helps - cheers B :wink:

sell on or - but they do know there stuff - so some might want it for less or tell you more :wink:
Thanks Bendycat, that's what I thought, my son might buy it with a half swap for his one. If not it will be for sale on here and elsewhere soon.
Re: Haro Blammo?

Harryburgundy":jrknc381 said:
Hi, forgot to take down the full name of this BMX my mate has just dropped off. Been stored in a cellar for a few years and now needs to sell to buy a pram etc....
...any bits worth anything or as complete...the frame and rims etc are pitted.
Have a look..thanks

Stuffforsale422.jpg ... kes%20BMX/

some where on the frame there will be a serial number - i think that it will be before 97' more like 95-96 !
these do weigh a bit - but to cruz around on them is cool - the us quite like them as there more into the 90's bike than the uk is (in the 90's it went down hill here - where it was still strong in the us )

you bike could do with a good clean up to look it's best before sale to get as much as you can

as for price - it's hard on these - it also depend if you want to say a out right price or take a chance on bidding on the bay ?

as is - £30 -£45
cleaned up and shining £55-£80
top looking £90+

these are only my thoughts and if any one thinks different, please say as i'm not the law :lol: - i have sold a lot of bmxs over the years - but prices change all the time due to more people digging in lofts, shed and garages ! flavours and styles change so prices may very :wink: you also have to take into account, that there will be some who will only pay so much, due to the fact they know what they are looking at - some will pay more due to the fact it looks good or old and cool

hope some of this helps cheers B :wink: