How much? For RC35's?


He's a right dick. He bought a 2000 Mount Vision Pro off me. Only frame and fork original the rest had been butchered over the years. He paid £300 and then split it right down to every component. Trying to sell the frame for £300 alone. He had hold of that for a long time. He really does sell some over priced shite

I'd love a Mount Vision Pro. I had a green one with a green disc swing arm. Loved it. Ran full M960 and Bomber's. Was best FS bike I've ever owned. Regret selling it. But a Pace F3 came up at a price I couldn't refuse.

I've had 2 the strange green 97 model full xtr and I put some z1s on it. It was lovely. Out grew it and got a 2000 model. I loved Marins back then, not so much now.