How many retro bikes do you own/whats the average number ?

I have 3 x retro - working on a 4th and 4 x modern, wife has 2 x modern and the 2 kids have one modern each. I need a bigger shed :!:
When I joined the Forum I had my Y2K Explosif, 853 Explosif in bits, my Team Banana Falcon and I'd just bought my first cro-mega...

I now have five >97 built up and ridable, two >97 underway, one >97 Cindercone frame waiting for powdercoating, one >97 on the backburner, my >97 roadbike and my >57(!) SS-alike project (on hold..). I've also built two >97 MTB's for my kids :cool:

So I make that 14 in total; no wonder I'm skint! :shock:
Under site rules I've got 3 retro (pre 97) and 3 modern.

But as a GT nut I'd call anything pre-bankruptcy (2001) a Retro GT.
In which case 5 retros and 1 modern.

Missus has 1 retro racer, 1 modern MTB.
93 khs, 95 marin

and 'modern' 98 clockwork

and proper modern cube

so as per forum definitions 2 retro mtb's
9x Pre 97 bikes, which are 2x MTB and 7x Road

3x Post 98

Quite a few of the above have at some point been bought, or had parts bought for them, from this forum.

A few 'new' bikes which don't really count as anything you would call retro or haven't had a lot of bits from the site.

So 9 retro, 12 forum related and around 17 total. This is an improvement from when it was 20+, So I am told.

What that doesn't factor in however, is how many sets of wheels I have for the above. Which is, at the last count, erm, lots. Most of the above have 2 sets of wheels, a few have 3-4 sets.
According to my sig, I have 9, including a roadie with retro MTB lineage (the Quintana). :cry: I really shouldn't have this many, literally worth 5 times as much as my driven-daily vehicle. :shock:

There's another subject entirely-how many of us have bikes/collections worth more than our car!
4 pre-97 mtbs, one cross, one modern fullsus, one track bike, one pre-97 frame and two post-97 frame
