How many projects have you in .....


rBotM Winner
the pipe line so to speak.
Nearly completed,half way done ,looking for parts,awaiting a repaint , or lost interest.

I have lost the plot here with 10 in various states of build :facepalm: :facepalm:
15 frames in total, 10 fully built up, out of which i'm happy with 4 of them as they are - that leaves a lot of procrastinating as to what to do with the remainder of the herd. I feel a cull coming on.
A focus on quality.

A comment on my own situation, I have just had a major thinning; parted with a number of desirable frames/projects, in order that I concentrate on riding and enjoying bicycles in 2014.

I do have three projects however, one I am starting soon for completion by the beginning of the new riding season (Easter), this is my late Father's 1960s Allin frameset. My other two projects are for completion after this but there's no hurry (a Roberts and a Ken Bird) - I have 95% of the components for all these builds.

I've retired two framesets (my '86 SBDU & '47 Hetchins) to the study wall.

My"fleet"now has a coherence it lacked before, I feel happier - sounds daft I know.

Rogers trike that needs top and down tubes.
Higgins trike that needs axle casing straightening.
Moulton that needs wheels and a good lube
Pre war Dawes that's nearly now an off road fixed.
1989 Specialized Hardrock that could be rideable in a few hours and new cables.
My 1983 Raleigh Competition that just need everything bolting back on.
Another competition circa '82 that is really a frame and some theoretical bits in the shed.
That's it for now.
All your comments have made me feel better ..... Thought I had a to find a get....round toit ....thingy....
Currently three. My Pat Hanlon has been stripped down and the frame is off being finished. I rebuilt the wheels over the last couple of weekends which included replacing the dodgy Campag NT rear hub with one sourced from the forum. I intend to spend the rest of the winter fettling and polishing the components so that hopefully they won’t detract from the refinished frame.

The Mercian Superlight is nearing completion; I have just got hold of a Suntour Superbe Pro chainset that needs some light polishing and I have all the other bits. To be honest I am trying not to finish this before the summer…because I don’t want to get it dirty.

Over the last few months I have been considering something a little older, perhaps constructed in South London in the late fifties as I was. So I spotted an interesting looking Youngs of Lewisham that fits the bill on the website of a well known purveyor of vintage etc. and am currently waiting for delivery. Doubtless I will soon be asking you to look in the very depths of your sheds for some obscure period bits.

I think I could manage a few more; my other half disagrees.

I have some other bikes but I don’t consider them projects!
I only do one bike at a time and never hoard/buy dozens of frames/parts knowing full well they will never be built.

My French winter project is coming on well.