FINNEY1973":2d2olvmn said:
Cowardly for a starter, but what bothers me most is what is the mentality of these people - what's the objective of such moronic driving - bad driving is one thing but deliberate & planned attempts to see a cyclist hit the deck is something that doesn't sit easy with me at all.
i think that the homicidal driver in his tin go kart
thinks he wants to see a cyclist hit the deck a la disney cartoons/ x box etc!! the
reality is a lot of broken bones, a lot of mush, one dead cyclist and one wannabe racing driver/ judge dredd dreamer who has just killed an innocent member of the public and who is about to lose his licence and go to jail.
how about this reply on a car forum i use to a similar post you have just read about my morning on the bike - here's how that furious, idiotic driver in the tin death trap thinks about us lot:
i wrote this part:
i was thinking about buying a new crash hat as the one i have has a crack in it - realistically, with those kind of antics from complete arsehole drivers, it's going to take a lot more than a polystyrene shell around my bonce to save me!!!
...and the reply?
When all you cyclists meet these conditions
1. Licence and compulsory training to prove that you're fit to be out on the public highway
2. Minimum third party insurance
3. Road tax to contribute like the rest of us who actually pay for the roads
4. Stop riding in and out of traffic like a bunch of suicidal tits
5. Clearly signal changes in direction
6. Have your bikes fitted with Functional side and brake lights
7. Registration plate for your bikes, and an annual safety check
At which point, maybe you might deserve some sympathy and consideration......