How good is too good ?

only you can know whether to ride it or hide it...

here are my two reasonings

1: never use it and keep it shiny...lasts for ever but you interest in it doesn't

2: ride it and have stories about it.

i go for option two to stop me being a classic car collector of the extreme generation.
Ride it. That's what wheels are for. Going round and round :LOL: The world is 3D if you only have it as a 'Garage Queen' then that's just 1D Off road cycle is the Best :cool: :D
If you hang around you will also see some bikes with really amazing histories. I'm not talking about "Gary Fisher sat on this in 1998" kind of stories.
Early prototypes/Grove Innovations/I found my race bike 20 years later/Before so and so started such and such they made these/ect ect.

Oh and be careful when you slag off a 20 year old paint job because the Guy who did it pops on to bop you in your Gob.
i got to be honest; i have mentioned it before here on the forum, i love the hunting for parts, yes; I BUILD GARAGE QUEENS! now,..i have said it,...

I have several bikes which i never ride,..just look at,..
And some i do use, and because i use them, i do not have to use the other once.
I can't help it,..i am in love with steel bikes like the Yo Eddy's and the Breezers and i intent to buy lots of them,..bring them back in their glory and maybe when i have enough, them to the future generations
Sorry guys,..i know some of you do not like this but i have a passion for these bikes ,...... :oops:
And also,..these bikes remember me of my first steps on the MTB's many years ago,...and the period that i was to be found in the LBS every saterday,..looking at the parts and bikes i couldn't buy,..and now can,...
I have art on my wall that I look at rarely, but when I do it makes me smile. It cost about the same as a resonable retro build so I have no issue if people want to make pretty things to look at.

Aircraft were built to be flown but no-one would ask for all the Concords to be cut up just because they can't fly anymore. They are still cool and interesting, even if just to look at. Some people will try to keep rare aircraft flying (Vulcan, BBMF) and some would argue it is not worth the money.
Defiant":1cavpe02 said:
i got to be honest; i have mentioned it before here on the forum, i love the hunting for parts, yes; I BUILD GARAGE QUEENS! now,..i have said it,...

I have several bikes which i never ride,..just look at,..
And some i do use, and because i use them, i do not have to use the other once.
I can't help it,..i am in love with steel bikes like the Yo Eddy's and the Breezers and i intent to buy lots of them,..bring them back in their glory and maybe when i have enough, them to the future generations
Sorry guys,..i know some of you do not like this but i have a passion for these bikes ,...... :oops:
And also,..these bikes remember me of my first steps on the MTB's many years ago,...and the period that i was to be found in the LBS every saterday,..looking at the parts and bikes i couldn't buy,..and now can,...

Don't be ashamed Bas I know of people in our little country that own over 130 bikes and only ride 4 or 5 of 'm :shock: He's a nice guy though intending to build sort of a Bike museum in the end :D
yo-eddy":3qr5am8t said:
Don't be ashamed Bas I know of people in our little country that own over 130 bikes and only ride 4 or 5 of 'm :shock: He's a nice guy though intending to build sort of a Bike museum in the end :D

Thank god!,..i am not alone ;) hehehe
muddyfox_courier":1hasmtcw said:
I'm new here. I've introduced myself in that 'Introduce II thread ' thing.
Ok . How's this?
There seems to be some very pimped bikes on here.In light of components becoming obsolete ,and if you actually use them ,especially off road,they get knackered,do you then ,ACTUALLY use these bikes OR are they too nice to ride?

In a relative way ,it's a dilemma i am facing.I dont suppose it needs to be 'ringle'd up to the max,if it's not made anymore ,when it's gone ,it's gone.

please discuss.

Since joining this site I've built 6 bikes. All of them have been regularly ridden either at retrobike meets (including my Robert DOGS BOLX which won BOTM Dec 07 :cool: ) or raced - my Yeti FRO (picture above) and DBR Axis TT.

My current build is leaning towards "garage queen" as it has so many NOS parts - Ringle, Grafton, Bullseye etc. However that said I'm sure the temptation will again overcome me and it'll make an appearance somewhere (and of course I'll fall off it in front of MrK's camera ;) )

Wall art is cool - especially used stuff. I have a couple of frames hanging in my garage!
this frame and BB has covered so 50,000 miles since new.

The newest component is the XT cassette, the oldest part is possibly the forks which are from around 1990.

Its just been rebuilt and will be ridden shortly


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