How do I get parts shiny again??

Seen lots of tips on BMX forums ... ic=4005471


finished1eg8.jpg ... howforum=4
Thanks for the links :D I'll go by all the info I've been given and soon I'll start restoring the parts.

Another question - Would my Viking be more unique with the standard parts or with an upgraded retro groupset?
How does everyone else get their hubs shiney, I just can't seem to find a way that isn't bloody awkward.

I did remember whilst pondering this out riding last week that when I was a nipper we put watch straps around the hub to clean as you rode, is there a modern gadget to do the job in a similar manner? Those help for hero wrist bands might do the job maybe... :?

Will :)
I've never had the patience to get things really shiny (ie - as shiny as those things above). But for cleaning things up to an acceptable standard Brasso and a rag has always worked for me.
The first thing is to note whether your part has has been anodised or not.

It looks like the brakes in the first post has only been cleaned, the anodising hasn't been removed. Without removing the anodising, all you can do is get the finish near its original condition, which might be a satin type of finish. Use a solvent to clean off the dirt, and then use a metal polish like Autosol which is a mild abrasive.

Autosol won't remove anodising, you can with abrasive paper but it will take a long time and a lot of effort if done by hand.

To get the chrome-like mirror finish you need to have an unanodised part (eg Campag N Rec hubs) or you need to remove the anodising (eg the stem in the pic up-thread).
a burnishing brush and "chrome paste" will get almost anything super clean, cutting paste can also be used but at your own risk.

All the other tips are great too.