Hope E4 Lever compatibility


Gold Trader
MacRetro Rider
I'm just servicing an old E4 calpier, using a mini lever to pump fluid through to move the pistons in and out to free them for lubing.

I've left it set up on the mini lever but originally it was the open pro lever, and I wondered if anyone had in the past used the two together, or any of the early open brakes, O2, DH4 and E3 witht he later mini open lever, which was the next generation of lever, so I've maybe have thought so, but doesnt seem enough travel on the lever :?

Not the current hope E4, the first one from the mid 90's
No :? So none of you know nuffin :?

I thought the amount of fluid movement might be less, but it could be a lever service is needed too.
I did get an answer on 'another' forum, not claiming to be retro.