For Sale Holdsworth Mistral, 1950s/1960s ?


Retro Newbie
I have an old Holdsworth Mistral that I bought secondhand in the 1970s. It's in reasonable condition for its age but would benefit from a bit of restoration. I have no idea what it's worth so I'm open to offers. I live in Cheshire but have no way of delivering it, so the buyer would have to collect. Is anyone interested or would like to suggest a suitable valuation? Photo1.webp Photo2.webp
Very nice, and do take some pictures of the drive side as well as runnng a tape measure over it. Looks to be about a 22” sized frame which’ll help with people offering views on a price. I’ve a Mistral (and three other Holdsworths) and they’re lovely but not worth huge sums (just to manage expectations : ) which makes them excellent value retro bikes to use.