Holdsworth Frame Numbers


Quick himself usually placed serials along BB edge and and later on sometimes bottom of front BB lug. Although Quick was main Thame builder other builders for trade as Charlie Roberts and Alec Bird at unclear times did as well.

So there is no other number along edge under rust? As mentioned fork stem serial number although arduous would be helpful. Is this chasing a goose?
To help with dating:
-Are there bottle bosses?
What does rear brake bridge look like. Arched or straight? Is it reinforced as chain stay bridge? Bushed?
-What does RD chain stay cable stop look like?
-Full view of frame with kit.

PS: looks like I missed recent couple posts

I'll try and get extra serials/markings as requested as soon as I can. Meanwhile, here's the full bike!


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That list of "Holdsworth" builders spans several decades and includes builders at factory and Putney shop. For instance not aware of Hurlow ever building for "shop". Collard, Quick, Bird and Roberts certainly did according to Kilgariff.

Geometry looks "tourer".

2 sets of bottle bosses support this although perhaps later ad-ons at time of repaint? Are there actually braze-ons?

A clip for RD chain-stay cable guide is unusual as even when braze ons were frowned on c.'70 most frames still had a rear cable guide. Original on top of chain stay perhaps removed? Makes me wonder if hole in bottom of BB was originally for a grease nipple? Is it threaded?

Kit spans several decades.

Pics of rear brake bridge will be good.

Got some more pics as an update including brake bridge and braze-ons... maybe this will help you... CBguy, Wileyone or dwscrimshaw?

By the way... not trying to suck up to your egos but I am very impressed with all the knowledge here! This is my first time reading into frame building and it has been really interesting... I can see how it could easily turn into a dangerous hobby!

EDIT: Sorry pictures aren't rotated... thought they were :( Also, in reverse order with brake bridge last.


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Personally, I find it easier to believe that this is an early '70s frame that has acquired a collection of braze-ons, than that it's a late '70s frame that has acquired anachronisms like full wrapover seat stays and a fully sloping internally lugged fork crown.
IF this is a Holdsworth it is beyond sell off. It does not fall within recognized serial systems or catalogues to 1985.
That pip braze on attached to the head tube is not my era which is the 70's. Is the frame built for allen key brakes bolts but using nutted brakes with the mudguards?

If I were Sidolis I might be inclined to get in touch with Mercian and ask them if it's one of theirs- a 1970 'King of Mercia'?