Holdsworth Frame Numbers

Re: holdsworth frame number 16218

Hi folks. I wondered if anyone could identify model from this number 16218. Bike has single chainwheel 5gears at back. Has ben badged 531 reynolds but owner states this badge is wrong when frame resprayed. Feels lighter than 531. Any ideas please.
Re: holdsworth frame number 16218

Seansurfer":320cthgq said:
Hi folks. I wondered if anyone could identify model from this number 16218. Bike has single chainwheel 5gears at back. Has ben badged 531 reynolds but owner states this badge is wrong when frame resprayed. Feels lighter than 531. Any ideas please.

The serial number does not directly identify model. Serial number helps with prediction of approx. year of build and thus is a guide to using frame features correlated with other frames and catalogue model descriptions found on VCC or Kilgariff's sites round about the likely year.

16218, assuming numbers are clearly legible, not misinterpreted and if indeed a Holdsworth frame would point to the year 1953 according to Dave Scrimshaw's present prediction guide, although there is a lot of good evidence particularly some apparent well documented examples in the Reader's Bike section of Classic Lightweights that would support this number as being from 1952. Dave's prediction table and related data is a continuing work in progress and is subject to change.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... TNKZkN4TmM

As Midlife says pics of frame details and ideally a pic of serial number on BB or in this case likely on right rear dropout and number on fork stem (if exposed) would also be helpful.
Re: holdsworth

Im informed by theowner he has found original reciept/guarantee. Its a 1952 holdworth typhoon. Can anyone identify the tubing for this particular bike. As i said in an eralier post it has been resprayed some years ago and has 531 stickers but these are not the originals. The owner seems to think the tubing stickers originally were not 531. Any ideas???
Pics would still be nice. Dave Scrimshaw doesn't have many Typhoons of this vintage on his data base.

As Midlife says Reynolds or Kromo were the options.Typhoon was advertised as being " within the reach of the man who must watch his expenditure"! Certainly in later years the Typhoon was plain gauge Reynolds ( I have a '65) although I have noticed back in 50's they used more DB throughout model range. Do you know what size seat post your new frame takes?

Interesting it was purchased in 1952. That is a valuable document to have! Do you have a copy? Wonder what exact date in 1952 purchase took place? Does document say if it is a 1952 model? Often there was a delay of a year between being put up for sale and actual purchase. It would be nice to see a pic of document and would be great to add to Dave's database.

Like I said in prior post, number 16218, according to Dave's present prediction graph, places in 1951. However there is evidence with good examples on Classic Lightweights to show that 16xxx's numbers belong in 1952. I understand Dave is going to be revising his prediction graph in near future and your frame's number will indeed fit in 1952 according to updated prediction table.

Intersting to see where fender eyes are placed on your frame? One difference I noted in catalog pics from year of Typhoon introduction in 1951 and 1952 was that fender eyes were moved from higher up on stays to down by dropouts. Wonder re yours?

Again some pics of frame would be great to see.

Just spotted this on e-bay, frame number 04735. can only be from '81 to '84 as those were the "Gold years" for the Majestic.
Numbers point towards 1983, the one year we don't have a catalogue for!


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