Holdsworth Frame Numbers


Some pictures of the date codes found on the Shimano Dura Ace group on the last DBS with Holdsworth frame.




The lack of pictures seems to be an problem related to the browser you are using, when using Windows Explorer I can only see one picture while using Google Crome I can see all the pictures. Yes I know the date codes are available on the internet at several place, I uploaded the pictures as requested by dwscrimshaw to support the early 1979 serial number on this bike, The date code DC is March 1979 as far as I remember from the top of my head.


Great forum and some really helpful information on Holdsworth serial numbering. I have just registered to Retrobike, as I am keen to find out more information about my Holdsworth road bike.

From what I researched so far it would seem that my bike is circa 1976 as the serial number is 43295. Is somebody able to confirm that this would be the case please? I have added some photos. Cheers Philip


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I agree, according to Dave Scrimshaw's present prediction table, number would fit with a circa 1976 Holdsworthy factory frame.

Probably you have, but if not, you should check out catalogues and model discussion on nKilgariff.com - the definitive site for all things Holdsworth!

Do you know if it is in original paint and decals? Holdsworthy would have likely placed a model name decal obliquely on front of top tube? With Prugnat I lugs it has to be either a Mistral, Super M. or a Cyclone. Does not seem to have a Cinelli style fork crown which makes me inclined to say not a Super Mistral. Can't make out seat cluster detail but if has full wrap over seat stays and Reynolds DB tubing this would point to a Mistral. If neither than would point to a Cyclone model which was basically an "economical" Mistral. Pics of seat cluster, Reynolds decal and fork crown would be very helpful. Do you know size of seat post?

Thanks Doug, I'm fairly certain it's in original paint and decals, as I have picked out a model name of Cyclone on the top tube (see picture).

I've also added some pictures of the Reynolds decal, seat post, Shimano derailleur and Worthy logo decal on the down tube. I don't know size of seat post, and as the bike is on storage I'll need to come back to you on this.

Cheers Philip


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Certainly looks that 43295 is all original, and in darn good shape I'd say. Maybe just needs a good clean up, oiling and update of a few consumables or whatever. Perhaps you plan to rebuild?

This is definitely a Cyclone in typical plain gauge Reynolds. I have a '65 Plain gauge Holdsworth Typhoon that I purchased in '73 as a rebuild in London and it is still my favourite ride although perhaps it is the immeasurable sentimental value that makes me think that.

Norman Kilgariff who has now passed on will tell you pretty well everything you might need to know about this bike. On his website under discussion of Cyclone model he does say, "The Cyclone was offered in 1975, but was dropped from the range by (or during) 1976." So, your frame might be a 1975 and not 1976 as prediction suggests.

This is interesting re 43295 as Dave's "prediction" graph places at circa 1976. The Holdsworthy factory moved to another bigger site at Oakfield Rd on or sometime shortly after May 1975. It is thought that the change from the 5 digit number system to the new 6 digit system also happened at some unclear time shortly after this move. The highest serial number collected thus far in Dave's data of 5 digit numbers is 43831- relatively close to 43295. So... if Kilgariff is correct that Cyclone production stopped in 1975, this would suggest that the 5 digit numbers did not continue much past time of move in mid 1975.

Perhaps someone who has knowledge of or evidence of the timing of the transition from the 5 digit to 6 digit systems will chime in. It is something Dave and I have recently considerably scratched (excoriated) our heads over.
