I have a Holdsworth i'm doing up so have done a bit of research, but I am definitely not an expert.Sorry not trying to insult you but are a "Holdsworth person"? or are you just looking over the same info as i am?
I calculated the year from that site yet you say its a fake and not even 531 , then you say the years wrong and it could be a 531 frame, I am a bit lost here.
I can only go by the info I can find as I have no experience of Holdsworth and was only 11 in 1985 yet on that site I can find plenty of example of identical lug's, paint schemes, decals etc. that all put this frame as a late 80's early 90's Holdsworth product.
It is a 6 digit number 7004## which doesn't appear on the charts but logic says post 85
The Head Transfer is long gone
Hand Crafted in England
I didn't say it was fake, but as your opening gambit was....
... I was just adding a note of caution that you might be chucking money at something you wouldn't recover, unless you could work out what it was for any potential buyer, and from my limited knowledge I knew it wasn't 85/86 with the Espirit name, hence the prompt to 1990 / Falcon era.So an upfront note,
The idea is to sell this once completed. I will be putting up a “what’s it worth?” post soon.
The 531 comment was prompted by the fact that in some of the photo's it looks resprayed (it may not be, might just be really good original paint if so - great) and although it has the 531 stickers, they are widely available to apply after repainting / restoring, but if that was the case, why not replace the head sticker?
I stand by :
which was after I had dug a bit more to see if I could help identify it further, but you'd need eitherI suspect its early falcon era so1987-1990 ish as they introduced the Espirit model name by the looks of the Nkilgraff site, and the decals look similar to others from that era. I suspect it is genuine and therefore is 531 tubes. Frame number database seems a bit scant after 1985.
- records of Falcon era frame numbers to fully date it, as it seems to be completely different to Holdsworth as their 6 digit ones all started with an "0" whereas your starts "700"
- or a Falcon era catalogue to see what models came out when.
I don't understand what you mean by:

is that the frame number, it hasn't come out on the photo? frame number is normally under BB -or something else?