I just made somewhat of an impulse buy on one of these frames after seeing someone riding one here in Melbourne the other day.
It obviously stands out, and I've never seen one before, so I asked the owner about it.
When he told me he got the frame here for about $810 AUD, I was shocked, so I looked into it. Columbus Spirit for $800 Aus is so cheap here!! The same steel with 'Casati' written on it would be at
least $2,500, and a Baum in Spirit would cost more than my car
They're still discounted to about 500 quid, so I ordered one today. Are they really half price, or are they always discounted? Ha :mrgreen:
Anyway, I hope it's not a brick (not that I bought it too be super-light) and it rides ok.
I got the size L; does anyone know roughly what the bare frame weighs? I suppose I'll find out soon enough.
My 3 best steel frames are busted, so I decided to get one of these instead of spending hundreds getting the old ones fixed at the moment.