Holdsworth Championship rebuild


Operating on the possibly misguided principle that a reply from decal nit-picker Torqueless is better than no reply:

Having seen the complete bike, I will eat my words about the seat tube decal. It doesn't set my aesthetic nerve twitching, as I thought it might. It's very close to bisecting my other (provisional) string, which stretches
between the rear axle and the handlebar stem expander bolt head. That down tube decal placement will continue to irk me though, but I'm (almost) resigned to being de-sensitised.. :)
Not really following this thread, but I have spotted a rookie (mind you I've even seen like errors from folk who should know better) that no-one else has spotted.

Or dared to mention !

Re: Re:

torqueless":1wng35fv said:
Operating on the possibly misguided principle that a reply from decal nit-picker Torqueless is better than no reply:

Having seen the complete bike, I will eat my words about the seat tube decal. It doesn't set my aesthetic nerve twitching, as I thought it might. It's very close to bisecting my other (provisional) string, which stretches
between the rear axle and the handlebar stem expander bolt head. That down tube decal placement will continue to irk me though, but I'm (almost) resigned to being de-sensitised.. :)
Ha Ha, well if there's no one to uphold standards then standards will not be upheld so I have no problem with you commenting on my attempts and keeping me within limits providing it's light hearted, that said this one for me is acceptable but the Record I agree totally looks odd enough that the down tube will probably get re done in next years painting and fettling season.

roadking":1wng35fv said:
Not really following this thread, but I have spotted a rookie (mind you I've even seen like errors from folk who should know better) that no-one else has spotted.

Or dared to mention !

You have me intrigued and interested now so what have I missed and more importantly is it easily rectified?
Re: Re:

allenh"You have me intrigued and interested now so what have I missed and more importantly is it easily rectified?[/quote said:
I'll refrain from commenting on the error spotted and comment on decal placement. Having visited the factory in the 1970s and seen how the decals were applied and the people applying them - I guess few if any on this forum have (the principle applies to many builders).

If the applier (of the first set of decals) happens for example to apply a world championship ring upside down it may be wrong but I'd argue it is original.

And brochures are rarely a good primary source, unless you're looking at a factory like Raleigh for example where they will have applied (for the time) up to date production techniques - but even then there can be anomalies.

If no-one else has noticed (the error except myself) then it matters little.


N.B last line edited with parenthesis.
Re: Re:

roadking":17wf2bqn said:
I'll refrain from commenting on the error spotted and comment on decal placement. Having visited the factory in the 1970s and seen how the decals were applied and the people applying them - I guess few if any on this forum have (the principle applies to many builders).

If the applier (of the first set of decals) happens for example to apply a world championship ring upside down it may be wrong but I'd argue it is original.

And brochures are rarely a good primary source, unless you're looking at a factory like Raleigh for example where they will have applied (for the time) up to date production techniques - but even then there can be anomalies.

If no-one else has noticed (the error except myself) then it matters little.


N.B last line edited with parenthesis.
Certainly in my research that's what I've seen with makers like Holdsworth where decal placement can move about quite considerably, so with anything that is produced by hand in any great numbers originality is subjective and can mean different things to different people.

We will all have differing personal thresholds of what we deem acceptable but as I say this one I'm happy with so it will be staying as it is, the Record though probably not

Also Rk if you don't feel comfortable airing the error you've noticed here then please PM me as I would genuinely like to know.

torqueless":17wf2bqn said:
If no-one else but decal nit-picker torqueless has noticed then it matters little.

Fixed that for you, Rk.. :)
Careful now, you'll give yourself a complex
I’ve never really understood how cable runs can be a bone of contention, surely it’s down to personal preference? Although I have been ‘dug out’ before for how I’ve run mine, it’s not stopped me doing what I think suits me best. Bars at different heights & angles, stems at different reaches, brakes levers positioning on the bars, braze-ons in different positions... all these things effect the look and flow of the cables.
Re: Re:

chrisv40":3j4hbwq7 said:
torqueless":3j4hbwq7 said:
If no-one else but decal nit-picker torqueless has noticed then it matters little.

Fixed that for you, Rk.. :)

Cables routed in front of the bars instead of behind?

Lovely bike though!
Thanks, and yes I wondered if that was it.

PeachyPM":3j4hbwq7 said:
I’ve never really understood how cable runs can be a bone of contention, surely it’s down to personal preference? Although I have been ‘dug out’ before for how I’ve run mine, it’s not stopped me doing what I think suits me best. Bars at different heights & angles, stems at different reaches, brakes levers positioning on the bars, braze-ons in different positions... all these things effect the look and flow of the cables.
For me it's part personal choice and part habit as I've be been doing them that way for as long as I can remember, the only time I change it is for centre pulls where I have a stem that's low and or short so it doesn't allow the front cable to be in front of the bars but I always run the rear cable in front of the bars.

Like I say it's personal choice but when they are run over and behind the bars it just looks wrong to me and whether they are or not they always feel like they're in the way when riding.

Since I've been quoted three times, I'd better clarify that my last comment was made before Roadking edited his parenthesis in, on the understanding that he was still talking about transfers in his last sentence. Post-edit, it became obvious that he was talking about this other thing, which we have to guess what it is...

Regarding my developing a complex, I think that horse bolted long ago.. :)

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