Hog Tie them Tresspassing E bikers : )

“promising young footballer” is often the phrase used

There was a young lad around these parts who was notorious for tagging the same shit meaningless phrase everywhere. He took his own life (which admittedly was very sad), and now he is described as "a talented young artist". No, the little shite wasn't. He probably collectively cost the local council and business many hundreds of pounds to get rid of his crap.
His wife has just given an interview and stated that after hearing a commotion and finding the trespassers already trussed up by her husband she suggested he should 'just chuck 'em in the pig sty and let them deal with 'em'.
Seemingly the farmers low regard for the local constabulary might have inadvertently saved two lives.

I'll get my goat....coat
Back when I were a lad up here in Scotchland there was a notorious landowner by the name of Lord Burton of Dochfour (near Inverness), who along with his gillies detested and would physically assault anyone caught on his many thousands of acreage - shepherds crooks swung was the weapon of choice. This despite the right to roam we enjoy across the border. Needless to say we crazy young flouro MTBers deliberately set out to wind him up by riding across his stately home lawns and goading the landrovers. All harmless fun! It wasn't just bikers this Burton chap had it in for. He once came across a motorist who'd broken down in a small layby off the main Loch Ness road which just encroached on his land apparently. The driver had the hood up examining the engine and Burton appeared and duly slammed it on this poor guys head and told him to feck off his property. Charged with assault and the local press had a field day.