Senior Retro Guru
Never seen a 531 decal like that before.
Style and material are somewhat reminiscent of the "R.C." tubing decals that were used by Superia. Same supplier perhaps?

Which, appropriately, brings me to the bike that sports this decal, my Halfords Sport touring bike.
As it came to me many moons ago, probably all original:

Last winter I had bought a pair of cheap 650B wheels. For €55 a set I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I dug out the Halfords from storage
as it was both my size and had enough room to accommodate those wheels with the 42mm Panaracer Pacenti tyres I had bought for them.
I threw whatever parts at it that I had that fitted the look I was after, resulting in this:

Rather pleased with myself I decided to bring it along on a cycling vacation in France mrs non-fixie had planned. I did exchange the gorgeous Lohmann saddle, which is rock-hard, with an Idéale 76. Much more comfortable, although it creaks like an old mattress.
It rode rather well, not in the least because of the plush tyres. Unfortunately that lasted less than a day. Apparently I hadn't been paying attention, and one of the brake pads had scoured the rear tyre. Booomphsssss ...
I managed to limp home, after fitting a new inner tube and a €10 bill:

It happened on a Sunday, and the only thing I could find on Monday morning were a pair of cheap BTWIN Cityprotect tyres at a local Decathlon outlet, for which I was very thankful, as they enabled me to resume my vacation as planned:

On the way back we stopped at Oudenaarde in Belgium for the RetroRonde van Vlaanderen. There I found another pair of 650B tyres in the classic brick red colour.
The bike rack on the car works well as an impromptu work stand:

Those Chinese Hutchinson copies ride a bit nicer than the BTWIN items, and I really like the looks: