lumos2000 - Nice build. New wheels and hubs by the looks of it.
My plan (at the moment) is to use as much of the original components as possible.
Remove all rust, clean, oil, re-grease and reassemble.
Never dealt with so much rust before
I thought I would never get to the end of rust avenue.
Have painted the frame and forks, and have started the task of taking the Sturmey Archer 3 speed hub apart, using some downloaded instructions.
Gosh, what a task that was and still is.
The hub being a "K" type and very old. I need several new springs, but not sure what type to buy, assuming they can still be bought.
A tad concerned that the parts may not be available having looked on the net.
Have a plan "b" ready if I cannot repair the hub.
To be continued.....