Help with pace rc35 dismantling...

Is it possible to remove the stanchions from the crown?
Undoing the 4 allen bolts doesnt appear to do much
Might need a tap, but be mindful that the top caps are quite thin so will dent if hit with something that has a point/edge. Try a drift that matches the diameter if you can find something.
They do remove because BITD Pace sold the legs separately so you could swap between suspension and rigid on the same crown.
And yes; they are and should be Loctited into the crown for that retro ‘belt & braces’ reasoning. 638 is best.
If the crown bolts are all loose or out try twisting the legs. All 4 bolts need to be loose.
Check the stanchions carefully when removed for crimping and cracks around the top where held in the crown.