Help with Dyna-tech frame ID/rough age, please...??


Gold Trader
Kona Fan
Hi folks, Dad has recently picked this up and renovated it a bit, and wants a bit more info on it, if poss? I can't help him much but I was fairly sure there would be one or two experts on here that could... Konas are more my thing :roll: :LOL:

Think he'd quite like a rough value on it too, as he'll be passing it on at some point to fund what he really wants. Thanks in advance.


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Hi, they are a nice bike I've had one but not desirable I'm afraid, bicycle collecting is such a fickle thing. It looks like you have a 1991/2 Dynatech 600, the 700 was a brighter pink if I remember correctly, judging from the 'Dynatech' decal on the down tube probably 1992. The serial number will help, if it starts with an 'B' it's a 91, an 'C' its a 92. Value is what you can get for it, there's a nice one ( a 700 ) on ebay for £195, and its been there for a while. I hope that helps, Terry.

Thanks Terry, that's very helpful! I'm quite taken with it, if it was a bit smaller I might have been tempted to have it off him, they are nice looking bikes...

Value wise, I think that's roughly what he assumed, so he can't be too disappointed. Sure if he can find the right person in the present climate, cycling being so popular and all that, he will be able to shift if fairly easily. He was saying that fully built it was only something like 23lbs, so it's a nice, light ride for someone for that sort of money...

Again, many thanks!