Help!! Trying to identify Manufacturer of Bike Frame(Update)

By 1995 Tioga components were becoming more prevalent in the Claud range, but Shimano does seem to be predominantly used for the drive train/gear set & remains so up through till at least ‘98

PS. I’m reasonably confident this 1995 Vantage is what you have.


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Thanks for the info, perhaps it is a claud butler after all!. Does anyone have any info on the Saracen Trekker? Possible parts used?

Have you used the search function? there are a few saracen trekker threads on here, but i would be inclined to go with Mr P's suggestion :)
mk one":2f7t8d0a said:
Have you used the search function? there are a few saracen trekker threads on here, but i would be inclined to go with Mr P's suggestion :)

Hi mk one.

Thanks for the encouragement but I've done hours of research and am split between a few different makes and models.

Claud Butler Tasmin - Seems to have the same crank-set and rear derailleur taken off my original bike!??
Saracen Trekker
Claud Butler Quantum
Claud Butler Vantage
As you can see these all have the same frame!

This is the reason i was asking about the parts you see. Not as simple as it seems :)


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sinnerman":znm3xq0c said:
your braver than me, riding it with that repair.

I rode it for around 5-6 years with the repair and no problems.

What can i say.... Nothing scares me... Apart from the odd spider (Big)

I think it's better reviving than scrapping! :xmas-big-grin:
Re: Re:

retrobikeguy":3od3bjeb said:

Your spot on retrobikeguy, its a generic far east frame, used by everybody from Townsend and all the brands under that banner at the time, as well as the stocking filler from Saracen and others to hit a price point.

If this is a sentimental move then i totally get it, but if your looking to spend money to rebuild refinish, then why dont you look to upgrade...? these were avaliable as fames and forks for roughly 49.99 a low grade tubset mass produced to hit a price point, hence why it snapped/cracked in the first place.

as i say if its sentimental, i totally get it, but if its not, then have a look around for a few peanuts and a packet of crisps, you can get a massive upgrade that didnt break and need repairing that will reduce weight garnish a far better ride and never have to think about the repair and wihen it will give up again.

I might even have a Trek aluminium somewhere you could have for free, if the size was the same, just a thought.
Re: Re:

sinnerman":3u66wyh0 said:
retrobikeguy":3u66wyh0 said:

Your spot on retrobikeguy, its a generic far east frame, used by everybody from Townsend and all the brands under that banner at the time, as well as the stocking filler from Saracen and others to hit a price point.

If this is a sentimental move then i totally get it, but if your looking to spend money to rebuild refinish, then why dont you look to upgrade...? these were avaliable as fames and forks for roughly 49.99 a low grade tubset mass produced to hit a price point, hence why it snapped/cracked in the first place.

as i say if its sentimental, i totally get it, but if its not, then have a look around for a few peanuts and a packet of crisps, you can get a massive upgrade that didnt break and need repairing that will reduce weight garnish a far better ride and never have to think about the repair and wihen it will give up again.

I might even have a Trek aluminium somewhere you could have for free, if the size was the same, just a thought.

Hi Mate,

It is sentimental. I've had it since around 1998.

I could of bought a brand new bike for the money I've spent on it.

It was a personal conquest that just needs finalizing by finding out the Make and model.

Once she gives up i'll give up on the bike... Until then the local park is my oyster :LOL:

Thanks for the offer but on this occasions.... I will politely decline :)

Plus the bikes pretty much finished...!Atth-I7g-hvIoAqua7Y ... D?e=dPwNuM


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I know how that feels, you start and got to finish. Well done for seeing it through.. :cool: