Help to identify a kona explosif


Retro Guru
May have struck a deal on this frame but as it has been enamelled by Argos Cycles the serial number is covered up..... Can anyone with detailed kona knowledge tell if it's real by looking at it and what year roughly? I think it's an 853 model but could be wrong. Please don't poach it I want it ;)
With that routing, those drop-outs and if it's 853 then it's a post 98 model. Personally speaking I think the price is at the top end since it's a re-spray and a used one at that.

With those drop outs and seat stay's it's not a '98 or '99 Explosif.

I'd also double check the stated size. Headtube look's a bit long for a size 18.


Sitting here scouring google images I've noticed that all the explosif frames have rack mount points in the rear stays and this white ones doesn't.... Flipping heck I'm starting to think it's a rebadged kona frame but anyone know what? Or are there explosifs without rack mounts

2002 true temper ox I think having trawled the web.... Not retro anyway :(
Anyone think I'm right? Or can offer a different opinion