help! Seatpost stuck in frame!


Old School Hero
Hi Folks

My restoration project (1993 Lava Dome) is nearly ready to get painted but I cant ge the seat post out! Its been in for 17 years and the alloy seems to have bonded to the steel.

I have had a month of release agent working on it and have also heated the frame with a blowtorch. My last resort was to cut the post off and hacksaw out the bit inside the frame. This isnt working now i have only a stub left and no way to grip it tightly. DOH.

Any ideas would be very welome!

(Oh and thanks to RAF Bikes for the XT/DX kit! All perfect, cheers!)

If you've cut the seatpost down and there's only a stub left the only way I know to get it out is to have another go with the hacksaw trick inside the seatpost. Have to take that slow and be careful but it does work.
You have a couple of options-

Try sawing some slits down the remains of the post,then chisel inwards and try and fetch it out in bits. Could be a bit of a pain due to length of post remnants.

Try to ream it out, so the wall thickness decreases,then repeat part 2 of the above.

Try to thread a very large bolt into the seatpin then try to keep tightening. Might do enough to get it moving.

Bung the end of the post up, then fill the frame from the bb with caustic; should eat the gunge or seatpin before the frame. Suspect this is best option.

Lube up well :shock: , then try and hit very hard with something thats a good fit (socket etc). Quite often these things will go downwards. Frame must be solidly mounted. Next to last resort, me thinks.

Last resort- what I.D is the seatpost? Can it become a shim for a USE or BMX post??

Or sneak into evans or somewhere similar on a saturday, give it to the saturday lad, asking "if i leave this with you, can you just?", whilst exiting quickly, promising to pick it up later in the week.....
My last resort was to cut the post off and hacksaw out the bit inside the frame. This isnt working now i have only a stub left and no way to grip it tightly. DOH.

If you hold the frame between your legs and stand over the frame, then you shouldn't need to grip anything but the blade. Then try chiselling out the bits as per the other suggestion.

Post how you get on, and try to be patient! It'll be worth it in the end!
shame as if a quill stem fits down the diameter of the seat post, you can use it to undo shtuck posts

stuck seatpost

I bought a 10 quid crobar from B&Q & fashioned the end into a hook angled correctly so the length of the crowbar can fit down the seatpost (may need to cut top off seatpost) and hook under lower edge of seatpost. A brisk wack upwards to the top of the crobar will see it moving.
That's a cool suggestion LGF :). If you're battering the stub to release it, make sure there's a bottom bracket fitted. Ask my mate in the early nineties why that bit's important...
Thanks folks!

Will have some time to look at it on sunday afternoon!

Will take pics and post monday!



PS, Like the crowbar/hammer suggestion
I'm with you buddy!

tomorrow I'll take a picture of my mangled Brodie frame for you. I didn't give up, it's just on hold. psychological war.

I wish you success with your stuck seatpost...

let us know how it goes
