After reading all 5 pages of this thread I'm really excited to get cracking with m P7. Keeping natural and well polished was the best bet I think, didn't like the idea of you powder-coating it or respraying it at all.
My nickel frame looks in similar condition to yours did with, what looks like, relatively mild but numerou s surface rust spots 'under' the lacquer with patches of lacquer coming off.
My main question for you now that you are a seasoned pro at getting the lacquer off, is how did you go about applying the Nitromors? That stuff makes me quite anxious about damaging the nickel, but good to see that actually some one (you) has used the stuff to good effect. Seen so many people suggest Nitromors, but not seen any actual examples, and/or, methods of using it.
I tried the tin foil and warm water, but I simply don't have months—which would be the sort of timeframe I would be looking at. Don't mind spending time polishing, but not scrapping metal foil on metal.
I digressed a little, but if you can give me an idea of how you used Nitromors: how long you kept it on the frame for before removing the Nitromors (surely not a metal scraper, do some people simply hose it off?)
In terms of the polishing after the Nitromors what did you use: metal polish and hand cloth or polish pads on a drill?
Any advice on how you did most gratefully received. Been anxious about doing this, so hearing it from the horses mouth after doing such a bang-up job would help a lot.
Oh, and love the brake/gear out casings.