HELP needed..Building Tioga disk drive


Dirt Disciple
Hi everyone. Iv recently bought a Tioga disk drive unbuilt with no instructions it seems to have all the components to do it and I have a wheel/hub . unfortunatly my local bike shop have never even seen one let alone built one so its been sat in the shop to no avail.
Can somone point me in the right direction of a shop somwhere in the south Essex/herts area that can do it for me. there must be someone!!!


I've built a few, tho I cant say I enjoyed it. amazed the bike shop turned it down. attach the hub centre section of the disk to the hub making sure to thread lock all the tiny nuts & bolts. the PITA :evil: comes when attaching the other side of the hub centre section of the disk to the hub as by now theres little room for your hand & the nuts are tiny. then just attach the "spokes" from the rim side to the alu cyclinder parts in the disk. when they'll all attached tension & true as normal.

IMHO, even if you've got no wheel building experience I'd build it all myself & take it to your LBS & get them to tension & true it.

I was surprised it didnt make more than £260

thanks Scant its not the recent one for sale on E bay I bought it a few weeks back off there for 200 quid. course ill pay someone to do that goes without saying..was raly after the name of a shop I could run it too.... P
I built one about 3 months ago. First time for me, had to learn it all myself. You're going to need a hub and rim (obviously) that correspond to the hole count on the disc... and then a slew of 2.5mm and 3mm nuts and bolts. install the hub to the disc halves first. Then assemble the disc halves to the rim. Do yourself a favor on the 3mm (rim) ones, get them long... you'll be glad you did when you get to the very last ones.

I`ll do it for free if you`ve got all the bolts,but i could do with some one finding the order that you tension the bolts,because there is a proper order to follow