Help me make something of my old Klein

Spent an hour or so in the garage. Fitted the bottom bracket. Looked at the sorry looking seat post and thought it could do with a good clean up. Indeed some T cut and a polishing tool in the drill made it look like new again. I have to say it feels heavy though.

Now the question that is going to mare me out as a heretic. The original stem. the bolts are corroded and there are nasty scrapes to be seen. I am not sure they will polish out. The other thing is the bars are way too narrow for comfortable riding if truth be told. Nasty narrow red Scott things. Can't believe I was sold them in fact. trades description act would surely be effective if i had the receipt and could remember where i bought them.

Cant see any suitable bars for sale (narrow diameter things) so do i get a new stem and bars? Feel free throw throw abuse/advise/new bars as you see fit.