Help me date this Stumpy please ?


Gold Trader
GT Fan
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Picked this up earlier today. What year is it? Model?

My guess is 93-95 from components. Only has LX level spec so likely not a high up one.

I’m guessing it’s pretty original too judging by tyres and saddle etc.
Yep, 1994. The steel ones were the fully rigid, which you have, or the FS (Front Suspension). Both came with LX. The M2 FS came with XT but I think all of the others were LX equipped. I guess Spesh were concerned about price points that year. The one you have looks great.
1994 and in great order, much better than many out there. Love mine, and they’re great to ride. The LX group functions well too.
Story goes that it was an old guy who bought it mid nineties and barely used it. It was inherited to his daughter on his passing (late 90s) where it’s sat un-used until now when it was given to a guy to sell local to me.
Very nice example, best colour too.