Help me buy an old bike, not a new bike


Dirt Disciple
I currently ride a 'retro' road bike but i'm in the market for a MTB so I can ride with a few friends.
They mainly ride modern hard tails with long-travel forks (on-one inbred, cotic soul etc.) I'm on a budget and have been recommended a DMR trailstar LT which has similar geometry etc.. My question is, could I get hold of a decent retro bike which would allow me to do a similar style of riding (XC with some drops, jumps etc.) I was thinking that a slightly older, full suspension setup might be roughly comparable to modern long-travel hardtails. I would much prefer spending the money on a 'classic' older setup. I would love to hear any recommendations so I can begin my fleabay search.
I'm 6 foot and 13 stones if that makes any difference.
Thanks in advance
Back in 1996/97I used to ride a slightly smaller than required Kona hardtail with DH parts on it. Stood up to loads of abuse and was more than light enough to do everything. I guess your budget will dictate what's best more than anything. The San Andreas would be great for the job!
Orange Patriot (and i don't care that it's not considered retro :p ).

Something like a 2002 will set you back around £200 for a frame on eBay.
Tallpaul":1otnfnc5 said:
Orange Patriot (and i don't care that it's not considered retro :p ).

Something like a 2002 will set you back around £200 for a frame on eBay.

which is basically a re-worked, stronger, longer travel san andreas in many ways (having owned both, i'm not dissing either :D
I'm going to stick my neck out and say that if you're on a budget avoid second-hand FS bikes. You'll get a better hard tail for the same money, your skills will develop quicker and you'll spend more time riding than maintaining.

Others may disagree.....