Help identifying kona frame

jellyfishhh":35s6yjxg said:
mmm. Both top and downtubes are identical. No like on my explosif 1996.

The 95/96 Explosif's use Columbus Max tubes with the ovalised ends so no, it wont look nothing like that :)

Love that '95 Kilauea Canuck :cool:


TLDR, Crap connection.
Quick look at the pics in the first post and with the serial it's a 1995 Kilauea.

Hopefully someone else mentioned it to.
Quick search should find it matches them.
Concept tubing, fatter stays, correct dropoits, even the yellow may not be a respray as they came that colour anyway.

I that rust that's gone through at the mech and the inner stay ?

Mid year special, old frame new looks to sell them off.

Serial is June 1994 so right at the end of the 1994 range era. Which would be out in August/September 1994 for 1995 models.

Without the ribbed downtube it is not the normal 1994 Explosif model, but now I've had a read through, somebody mentioned not all had it.
No doubt similar build time to this and then became the Kilauea for the next year.
Which was much the same as the 1994 Kilauea model anyway.
Either way, nice frame.

Best guestimate anyway.