Help identifing Giant road bike with Once logo


Retro Newbie
Hello !
I am desperately looking to find the model of my second or third hand road bike.

It's a giant, seems old, not in carbon. The frame set is blue color with a inside texture close to carbon aspects. Maybe the fork could be carbon or something near...but I am just a noob in that...

The seat is hold to the seat tube with a black ring that has the 2 once logos painted on.
The rear triangle at the cog place has the logo giant and the logo once machined directly on the frame.

The rear tube is slightly shaped to allow the wheel to be at 1-2mm from the seat tube.

All evidences tend to lead me to maybe a first gen TCR, and the once logo around 1997-1998, but no model were same and they were yellow...

I am not sure the wheels Campagnolo Zonda G3 are original, neither the Shimano 105 group. Maybe it was only a frame kit. I searched within all old giant catalog I found but I was unable to find it...

I would really appreciate any ideas, advice..
Thank you so much for your answers !!

Best regards and enjoy cycling!!


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I was indeed guessing an old TCR, but can't get more info..
I was thinking strange to have the once logo and no mention about TCR or other things...
If anybody knows that model or any further detail, I would be very interested..

9speeds is getting tough to update, need to change all the group .. but I like the frame I have to admit ;)

Thank you all !